VUDU partnered with Entone

VUDU Goes Box-free for Entone
LA Time – VUDU and Entone team up…

Heh, that mean they (both of ’em) are still alive. That’s because they are doing something to stay above the tide of competition.

I’ve always thought that VUDU can’t survive on their own.  They need to partner with someone else, but it has to be the right partner, otherwise it’s a waste of resources (time, effort, fund…).  They had a couple of chances with some very good possibilities, but they screwed up.  Actually, IMHO, both sides screwed up….

Anyway, this is a step in the right direction, although I wish VUDU has partnered with one of the big players in the video on demand or consumer electronics field — e.g. Amazon, Samsung, LG, Sony, etc.

I think Samsung or Sony would be perfect partners for VUDU.  It’s a win-win for both side.